Friday, February 23, 2018

Video: "The Machine is Us/ing Us"

In his video, I like how Dr. Michael Wesch uses screens that are familiar to emphasize his points. For example, he uses Google search screens to illustrate that users don't need to know coding languages to upload new content, all they need is to be able to use a search engine, the ability to click a mouse, and *POOF!*, you're magically qualified to create content. Many of our frequently visited webpages would not exist without user-created content--YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, for example.

Many people complain about tagging things because it takes too much time; but what they don't realize that they tag things already. If you've ever used a hashtag, you've tagged something, making it searchable. For example, looking at the #MeToo movement, one can track who started it when just by searching for the tag's usage.

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