As the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dog began, I began to dwell on my dog, Precious, who I recently lost to old age (13 years old). I decided to share a handful of stories with you all in memory of my Precious puppy.
I was the only one home. Mum had the habit of opening my bedroom door when she left for work. Precious, being frightened of thunderstorms, would normally hide under mum's bed, but since my door was open, and I was home, she came to sit with me. Her Goofballness was lying in my doorway watching the rest of the house (See above). When I woke up to a clap of thunder, I heard her squeak, then growl to herself. I think she was trying to protect me from the Big Noise. She was utter frightened, but she refused to leave me to Its mighty wrath. She growled to keep her courage from slipping. When I whispered her name she jumped. She raced over to my bed and whimpered. Against my mother's no-dog-in-your-bed rule, I pulled Her Goofballness into bed with me and we snuggled until the storm blew itself out. My brave protector. <3
Regarding My Ex-Boyfriend
Precious hated him (name withheld). When I came back from his place, she took a couple minutes trying to decide if I was really me. She knew my footsteps, and my appearance. But I must have smelled funny because she would stop at the top of our split level and stick her tongue out at me until I spoke and convinced her I was really me. She would then tackle me and proceed to clean me and make me "presentable". She would stick her moist nose inside my ears and snort to show her derision and what she thought of him. She would then steal my socks and bury them under her blanket.
Christmas 2014
I got Precious a new bed (shown above) as she had outgrown her old one. Initially, she refused to sleep in it--we couldn't figure out why.
One evening, I curled up on the floor with her while we were watching TV. She dragged it over and dropped it on my head! She thought it was mine!
Regarding Dating
My date came to the door to pick me up for our first date. Precious scared the crap out of him--She didn't threaten him, chase him or anything, but he was apparently frightened of dogs... That told me everything I needed to know regarding our relationship. Precious was a higher priority than boys. I went with him anyway, and had a terrible, awkward time. When he dropped me off, he refused to walk me to the door, opting to stay near the car--and his escape route.
As it was a warm night, mum left the door pen, with the screen door pulled shut. I could see Precious peering out from the top of the stairs awaiting my return. She stuck out her tongue again when she heard me on the front walk. I told her not to be mean. She turned around and showed me her bum. I laughed, and she seemed to grin back. He didn't stick around to say good night. That's probably alright--I'm not sure I could handle someone who can't handle a little attitude from an overweight dachshund about a fifth of his size. Thank you, Precious, for saving me from a life as a banker's wife with no option of a pet...
Christmas 2015
I got a Darth Vader bear from Build-A-Bear Workshop for Christmas. Precious grabbed him by the tail and dragged him to her bed. So, I got her a Pawlette bunny named Peanut. She loved to grab Peanut by the tail, and long ears, and drag her around the house. She tried to teach Peanut to eat kibble and even tried to take her outside to potty. I told her Peanut needed to stay inside--I was allowed to watch Peanut until Her Goofballness returned and wiped her dainty paws as she came back in.
Regarding Lambchop
In the photo below, Precious is snuggling with her beloved yellow Lambchop. Originally, I got her a purple one, but she started ripping poor Lambchop's eyebrow off. When I would come home from school, mum would tell Precious that I was coming. Precious would race around the house looking for both Lambchops, whom she would place at the top of our split level, and she would do her little excitement dance at the top of the stairs as I walked in. She thought it extremely rude if I didn't pick her up right away and would try to knock me over! Then she would drag me upstairs by my jacket sleeves, and we had to play for a while before I could do anything else.
For anybody who says that pets aren't family, I highly disagree. Precious was my little sister.
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